الإنسان مخير فيما يعلم، مسيّر فيما لا يعلم يزداد حرية كلما ازداد علماً
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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الحرية هي الحق في أن تختار و توجد لنفسك بدائل اختيار
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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ليست الحرية غياب الالتزامات انما القدرة على اختيار ما هو أفضل
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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اكتشف النظام في الاشياء التي لا تجد فيها نظاماً في النظرة الاولى
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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سياحة و سفر
لا يغرنك إرتقاء السهل، إذا كان المنحدر وعراً!
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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سياحة و سفر
علي أن أسعى وليس علي إدراك النجاح
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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وما استعصى على قوم منال إذا الإقدام كان لهم ركاب
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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قطع ذنب الكلب لا يكفي كي يصبح شبيه الحصان
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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صحة و جمال
لا تطلقن القول في غير بصر إن اللسان غير مأمون الضرر
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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أخبار العالم
إن اللغة مظهر من مظاهر الابتكار في الأمة
Metroid is a Nintendo institution, one that dates almost as far back as the company’s console business. The series includes phenomenal…
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